We all understand that the ability to apologize liberates us as it relieves us of bitterness and anger. Two emotions that poison us and limit us.
Many times we succeed and forgive those who hurt us. But what happens when the one we need to forgive is ourselves?
The biggest and most difficult "apology" is to ourselves. Sorry I neglected you for others, sorry I demoted you. Sorry I did not do what you really wanted. Sorry for the oppression. We should apologize to ourselves more often to ourselves. We need it.
That's the hard part!
When we do something "wrong", when we hurt someone, when we regret something we did or did not do, we feel guilt, anger, sadness, frustration, shame. Also, we may automatically associate it with restrictive perceptions of ourselves, such as "I destroy everything", "I always say the wrong things", "I will never succeed", etc. The problem is that we will never forgive ourselves if we do not first acknowledge the secondary feelings and beliefs behind our mistake. This process requires introspection and courage, but only in this way does the way to forgiveness open. Only then can we leave behind the burdens of the past and move on.
Forgiving myself means freeing myself from my past
When we do something "wrong", when we hurt someone, when we regret something we did or did not do, we feel guilt, anger, sadness, frustration, shame. We also all have a history, a past that led us to where we are today. Often, leaving it behind makes us feel out of place, losing ground under our feet. We feel that we are leaving a part of ourselves behind, we renounce the version of ourselves that made the mistake and most of the time we are so attached to our stories - real or imaginary - that they come to define us. To get rid of the past that bothers you, you must remember that in every situation you did the best you could at that moment. If you imagine what your behavior will cause or the guilt you will feel afterwards, you will obviously do differently! Keep what you have learned and get rid of the rest… The biggest difficulty in this process, however, is that we are hiding from ourselves. We have grown up believing that making mistakes is "bad", having flaws scares us. Therefore, we will do everything in our power not to "stumble". If we finally happen to hide it very well. But in order to forgive our mistakes, we must first admit them. We have to take responsibility and acknowledge that, and that's really difficult! .a. The problem is that we will never forgive ourselves if we do not first acknowledge the secondary feelings and beliefs behind our mistake. This process requires introspection and courage, but only in this way does the way to forgiveness open. Only then can we leave behind the burdens of the past and move on.
Love your mistakes
It helps to remember that our failures, mistakes and even our great "stupidities" are human. It is the way we learn and evolve. If you do not make mistakes, if you do not fail, if you never feel discomfort then you are probably living in a tight safety zone. How interesting can such a thing be? Appreciate your twists and turns. They are stairs to climb, to change the track in the game.
I was trying for so long to find someone I wanted to shout loudly sorry and hug him. No person came to me. Since I try to maintain good relationships with people I know I love and they love me. For this reason, I would like to apologize to myself, that I have wronged him many times. I left him behind and passed him for the sake of other people. For the times I left you to suffer with meaningless things and to be poisoned with negative thoughts. For the backstory you did when you did not deserve it and for the situations I left you to endure. Sorry myself, I love you so much.
When you love someone, do you not find a way to forgive them? Do not you give second chances? Do not you recognize his good points? Why not do it for yourself? We are as hard and critical of our own mistakes as we probably would not be if a dear friend made them. And when you really can not forgive someone you have the opportunity to leave. If you can not find a way to forgive yourself, what happens then? Leaving him is not an option. The only way is to learn to accept and love him!